
Bin data into tiled hexagonal bins and color by count.


By default Stat.hexbin is applied which bins x and y observations and colors hexagons according to count. To override this, pass Stat.identity to plot and manually bind the color aesthetic.



X = rand(MultivariateNormal([0.0, 0.0], [1.0 0.5; 0.5 1.0]), 10000);
plot(x=X[1,:], y=X[2,:], Geom.hexbin)
x -5 0 5 10 1 5 15 Count -4 -2 0 2 4 y
plot(x=X[1,:], y=X[2,:], Geom.hexbin(xbincount=100, ybincount=100))
x -5 0 5 30 1 10 40 20 Count -4 -2 0 2 4 y